Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Christmas Program Practices



Sunday, Nov 22: 3 graders through High School plus adults in skits after church noon -2:30 lunch provided

Sunday, Dec 6th: Same group noon to 2:30 lunch provided

Sunday, Dec 13: Same group noon to 2:30 lunch provided

SATURDAY, Dec 19: ALL KIDS plus singers - Nursery -2nd graders 9:30 -10:30 all other plus singers 10:30 to 12:30

We have made the LEAP into Exodus

This Sunday, our discussion was about Moses. After he was born, his mother hid him because the King of Egypt was killing all the Hebrew baby boys.  When it became difficult for her to hide him any longer she constructed a basket. Imagine sending your baby in a basket on the Nile and most of all wondering what would happen to him?  Thankfully, she had Miram to help her.  Miriam watched the basket travel through the water to the King's daughter area on the Nile. God cared for Moses.   God cares for us too.

The children in my class have completed their personal posters this Sunday and now our next project is getting ready for the Christmas program and completing our prayer board. My goal with the prayer board is to build faith.  When the children realize that God cares for them and their needs.   There is no silly prayers to God.  You can never be too young to have faith in God.

I hope this post will encourage to you to Cast all your cares on Jesus for he cares for you.  Remember there are no silly requests.  No prayers is too large for our God.

Blessings overflowing to you and your family from the Seedling Room,

Monday, November 2, 2009

Abraham leaves His Home

Are you Young? Are you not so young like me? Can you imagine being 75 years old and have the Lord appear to you? I don't know about you but that would be enough to make me shake in my boots but it didn't shake Abraham. God made a promise to Abraham that day.

God told Abram: "Leave your country, your family, and your father's hme for a land that I will show you.
"I'll make you a great nation
and bless you.
I'll make you famous;
you'll be a blessing.
I'll bless those who bless you;
those who curse you I'll curse.
All the families of the Earth
will be blessed through you."

The Message

I started my lesson in Pastor Tim's office. Location Ur and Haran. I wanted the children to get the feeling of being in a cushy environment. I wanted them to feel what Abraham must have felt like when the Lord talked to him. Did Abraham obey God?
Yes, He packed up his wife, his family and all his cattle. The journey was not very short. It was a 800 mile trek into foreign territory. Along the way, Abraham made sacrifices to the Lord and once they had reached their destination. They lived in tents.

I asked the children how many children Abraham and Sarah had when they left Ur? The answers were from 4-8. The children couldn't believe that Abraham and Sarah had no children.

Have you discovered God's promises in His Word?
Do you have a favorite promise in the Bible?
The Lord in His beautiful way is drawing us closer to Him.

My Hope is that all of us can plant seeds of love and hope in everyone we meet today.

Blessings overflowing from the Seedling Room,
